July 13, 2023

New construction law from 1 August

The new law, which regulates the entire life cycle of public construction projects, will enter into force on 1 August. In future, it will apply to all projects financed by at least 50 percent from the Hungarian budget or EU funds.

The new law redefines the framework and conditions for spending public money after 32 years. The public debate on the new law had received around 1,000 proposals from 40 professional organizations. There will be more competition in public procurement than before. Public procurement will only be valid if at least two valid bids are received. The winning bid will be open to public.

In future, investments can only be started after an approval procedure with detailed planning, and maintenance costs must already be included in the plans. Another important change is that public procurement procedures will be negotiated, not only on the basis of price, but also on the basis of a social criteria system, including environmental considerations.

Furthermore, the digitalised building information model (BIM) will be introduced, in which everything will be planned and the execution will be recorded. There will also be a cost information system to improve cost monitoring. The new law has been coordinated with the European Commission as well as local governments and the capital.